Juror: Global Changemaker Awards committee Country Director – Singapore
A visionary technocrat who breathes excellence and safety throughout his stellar career spanning half a century with exemplary leadership across the sectors ranging from industrial engineering, quality control & design, marine engineering – operating and maintaining various classes of ships, maritime education and training and in marine accident investigations, large scale project engineering, safety management, and more
He has contributed to the International Maritime Organization, specialized UN agency for maritime matters in training and safety standards for the international shipping community and was the Vice-Chairman, Standards of Training and Watch keeping Sub-committee (STW) and Flag State Implementation
Mr. Rangan has a background in physics, mechanical engineering, marine engineering, master’s degree in law and a Barrister at Law (Lincoln’s Inn, UK). As Principal of National Maritime Academy, Singapore, was responsible for training marine engineering officers sail ships all around the world safely. Since retiring from Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore, has lectured at NTU for the undergrads and post grad students, was a member of the International Advisory panel which re-examined the report on the sinking of the ferry M V Estonia, and consults as an Independent Safety Consultant in the Asia Pacific region.
Mr. Rangan specializes in education, training and setting training standards including, safety training, safety management principles and practices to senior management personnel of several industry verticals in the Asia Pacific Region: viz., Mining (Coal, Iron Ore and Minerals), Petrochemicals, Refinery, Pharmaceutical, Oil & Gas, Shipping, Ship repair, Optic fiber, Thermal Power plant, Chemical, Cement, Automobile, and others,
Director, Vara Safety & Marine Consultants
Director, Ranga Consultants
Principal, National Maritime Academy, Singapore
Head, Maritime Casualty Investigation Dept, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore