Norm Kurland heads the Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ), an all-volunteer think tank formed in 1984 to teach and promote “the Just Third Way” to address the conflict between Monopoly Capitalism and Socialist-Collectivism as competing paradigms of political economy. All existing paradigms and systems violate the fundamental right of every person to become a capital owner under Article 17 of the UN’s Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Norm also heads Equity Expansion International, Inc. (EEI), a global investment banking and consulting company organized to work with leaders committed to lifting unjust monetary, credit, tax, trade and other systemic barriers to non-inflationary future growth that maximizes universal personal ownership opportunities of land and all other non-human technologies at all levels of the global economy.
In 1985 President Reagan appointed Norm as deputy chairman of the bipartisan Presidential Task Force on Project Economic Justice, based on a law Norm authored that recommended widespread capital ownership to counter the spread of Marxism in Central America and the Caribbean.
Norman with his mentor Louis Kelso, authored and lobbied the first and
subsequent worker ownership (ESOP) laws passed in 1974 by the U.S. Congress. Norm has served in many positions: Director of planning of Citizens Crusade Against Poverty, a national coalition.
Federal government lawyer on welfare, education and segregation problems. Civil rights investigator in the Mississippi “one-person, one-vote” freedom movement. Core group member shaping economicempowerment initiatives in President Johnson’s “War on Poverty”, where he authored the guidelines for “maximum feasible participation of the poor.” Recognizing what Kelso offered as just and unifying market-based alternative that would benefit all citizens, from the bottom-up, Norm joined forces with Kelzo, and the rest is history.
Norman has lectured and consulted throughout the world and has authored many writings on monetary and tax reforms and participatory management,
including the book Capital Homesteading for Every Citizen, a comprehensive national blueprint for economic change. Following five years as an Air Force officer on flying status during the Korean War, Kurland received his Doctor of Laws degree in 1960 from the University of Chicago where he studied law and economics and receive the Walter Wheeler Cook Prize for legislative drafting.